Public Hearings are held in person at the Mountain View County office, located at 10-1408 Twp Rd 320, with the option to attend virtually.
Notice of the scheduled Public Hearings are provided on the County’s website on the same day Council give first reading for a minimum of 14 days in accordance with the County’s Advertising Bylaw No. 09/20. A convenience copy will be circulated in the newspaper and adjacent landowners, and landowners that responded to the circulation will be notified by letter. A copy of the bylaw(s) can be inspected at the Mountain View County office, located at 10-1408 Twp Rd 320.
Any person who wishes to address Council may do so at the Public Hearing in accordance with the County’s Establishing Procedure & Conduct of Public Hearings Bylaw No. 12/23.
Public Hearing Date: January 29, 2025
Division 2 (Water Valley/Winchell Lake) PLRDSD20240129
LENZ, Christian (Applicant) and ANDERSON, Dayna (Owner)
To redesignate from Agricultural District (A) to Agricultural (2) District (A(2)) an approximate one hundred forty-one point eight two (141.82) acres (57.39 hectares) in the Plan 0412148 Block 1 Lot 1 in NW 29-29-5-5
Public Hearing Date: January 15, 2025
Division 6 (Eagle Hill/Westward Ho) PLRDSD20240239
BACH, David (Applicant) and JONES, Frederick Larry (Owner)
To redesignate from Agricultural District (A) to Residential Farmstead District (R-F) an approximate eight point five six (8.56) acres (3.46 hectares) in the NE 6-34-3-5
Public Hearing Date: January 29, 2025
Division 2 (Water Valley/Winchell Lake) PLRDSD20240287
MILLER, Aaron Cole (Applicant/Owner)
To redesignate from Agricultural District (A) to Country Residential District (R-CR) an approximate five point zero zero (5.00) acres (2.03 hectares) and to redesignate from Agricultural District (A) to Agricultural (2) District (A(2)) an approximate seventy-five point zero zero (75.00) acres (30.35 hectares) in the South Half of the NW 4-30-5-5
Public Hearing Date: January 15, 2025
Division 7 (Westerdale) PLRDSD20240290
SPREEMAN, Allan Laverne (Applicant) and SPREEMAN, Allan Laverne, SPREEMAN, Warren R & Margo A, SPREEMAN, Lauren James & Angela Gale (Owner)
To redesignate from Agricultural District (A) to Agricultural (2) District (A(2)) an approximate one hundred fifty-six point nine seven (156.97) acres (63.52 hectares) in the in the NE 23-32-2-5.