Notice of Land Use Public Hearings

Public Hearings are held in person at the Mountain View County office, located at 10-1408 Twp Rd 320, with the option to attend virtually.

Notice of the scheduled Public Hearings are provided on the County’s website on the same day Council give first reading for a minimum of 14 days in accordance with the County’s Advertising Bylaw No. 09/20.  A convenience copy will be circulated in the newspaper and adjacent landowners, and landowners that responded to the circulation will be notified by letter.  A copy of the bylaw(s) can be inspected at the Mountain View County office, located at 10-1408 Twp Rd 320. 

Any person who wishes to address Council may do so at the Public Hearing in accordance with the County’s Establishing Procedure & Conduct of Public Hearings Bylaw No. 12/23.

Division 3 (Rosebud) PLRDSD20240098

KROKIS, Kory & Jani-Lee (Applicant) and WIERENGA POULTRY FARM LTD & KROKIS, Kory & Jani-Lee (Owner)

Received First Reading: June 26, 2024

Scheduled Public Hearing: August 14, 2024

BYLAW NO. LU 16/24

To redesignate from Agricultural (2) District (A(2)) to Country Residential District (R-CR) an approximate three point five five (3.55) acres (1.43 hectares) in the NW 28-31-1-5 and Plan 1112722 Block 1 Lot 1