Surface Rights

Oil, gas and associated energy activity remains prevelant in Mountain View County even with recent disruption to the industry due COVID-19 and slowed economic activity.

Despite the current situation, landowners and residents are encouraged to make themselves aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding surface rights negotiations, annual rental payments and more.

Below are several links to information regarding Landowner Rights and the Surface Rights Act (SRA) for County property owners to grow their understanding of rights and responsibilities in regards to their property and the Oil and Gas Industry.

Much of the below content is Courtesy the Farmers’ Advocate Office.

Link to the Farmers’ Advocate Office resources on agriculture, energy, utilities and surface rights:

Also learn more about pipelines and what landowners need to know:

*Please note: Mountain View County is not responsible for the content and information provided by external sources.

The below links provide a cross-section of additional information that property owners may find useful. Mountain View County is not responsible for the information provided by external sources.
