Green Acreages

The Land Stewardship Centre is committed to engaging, informing and enabling stewards. One of the programs they deliver is the Green Acreages Program.

Ownership of small acreages, hobby farms and recreational properties is growing in Alberta. More and more, these property owners are searching for information on how best to manage their properties in a sustainable manner. The Green Acreages program offers publications, workshops and financial incentives developed especially for acreage, hobby farm and recreational property owners to help them implement stewardship practices that conserve and protect the valuable natural assets, such as air, land, water, wildlife, associated with their properties.

There is also a Green Acreages Guide Primer available for acreage owners. This introductory booklet helps get acreages owners started by providing an introduction to the basics of owning and managing a rural property. Mountain View County provides the introductory booklet to residents in conjunction with specific Mountain View County inserts.

Other Stewardship Programs

Habitat Steward Program - sponsored by Red Deer River Naturalists